Residential Suitability
Case Study
- Location:
Exeter - Client:
Jill Webb
The client owned a parcel of land and was exploring the feasibility of developing residential units upon it. To further understand any air quality constraints, the client instructed Aeolus Air Quality Consulting (AAQC) to act as the air quality consultant.
The parcel of land was bounded by a busy motorway, used by almost 100,000 vehicles each day. It was certain there would be air quality constraints.
Dispersion modelling was undertaken using the latest software. The models included specific receptors, suitable meteorological data, emission factors derived from Defra and time varying emission profiles. As illustrated in the contour plot, the most eastern proposed residential unit lay within the yellow shading: an area above the annual mean NO2 objective of 40μg/m3.
AAQC held calls with both the architect and client, helping them to understand the methodology and how the design could be amended. Following these calls, the design was revised to move the residential unit in question 5m further west, away from the main pollution source.
The amended design will now be acceptable to the local authority with regards to air quality. The client continues to work with AAQC to seek air quality advice: in 2022 AAQC produced a technical note following up on previous air quality work.
Client Feedback
“The air quality assessment was turned around quickly and for a competitive price. Would recommend their air quality services to other developers.”
Case Studies